
Examples:1 Gridview

protected void ParentGridView_OnRowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
int parent_index = e.NewEditIndex;

//to set the edit index of the Parent grid with that of the current row
ParentGridView.EditIndex = parent_index;
//find the pubid_lbl containing pub_id in that particular row by using findcontrol method
GridViewRow row = ParentGridView.Rows[parent_index];
Label pub_id_lbl = (Label)row.FindControl("pubid_lbl");

//save pub_id and edit_index in session for childgridview's use
Session["PubID"] = Convert.ToInt32(pub_id_lbl.Text);
Session["ParentGridViewIndex"] = parent_index;

protected void ChildGridView_OnRowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)

//set the edit index of the child gridview with that of the current row
int parent_index =(int)Session["ParentGridViewIndex"];
GridViewRow parent_row = ParentGridView.Rows[parent_index];
GridView ChildGridiView = (GridView)parent_row.FindControl("ChildGridView");

int child_index = e.NewEditIndex;
ChildGridiView.EditIndex = child_index;
//find the titleid_lbl in that particular row by using findcontrol method
GridViewRow child_row = ChildGridiView.Rows[child_index];
Label titleid_lbl = (Label)child_row.FindControl("titleid_lbl");
// save the title_id in session for grandchildgridview's use
Session["TitleID"] = titleid_lbl.Text;

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